Sunday, March 20, 2011

Day Twenty-Eight: 3-19-11

Miss Ash and I took a class called Wild Edible Foods, and here we are getting our "forage" on.  We're sitting in a nettle patch picking only the choicest tops.  This class was tons of fun, after we gathered a bunch of weeds and leaves (aka wild edibles) we went back to the instructors home and learned how to cook them.  The nettles tasted kinda like spinach. With them we make nettle soup, and grilled patties.  They were both really good.  Here's the recipe for the soup, from what I remember...

nettles .. remember to wear gloves!
2 potatos
1/2 onion
2 cloves garlic
chicken stock
1/2 cup cream
salt and pepper
olive oil

Steam or boil nettles, then chop them in a food processor.  Made about 2 cups of nettle squish.
Chop onion, potatos, garlic and saute in olive oil.
Add stock and nettles and simmer till potatos are soft
Add cream, turn off heat
Salt and pepper to taste

It was YUMMY

The other best dish we had was dandelion blossoms sauteed in butter, simple and awesome.  Just remember to cook just the blossom, take off the stem all the way.

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